November events to promote SHIP

A lot of efforts still need to be put into raising awareness about solar thermal technologies meeting industrial heat demand. That’s why Solar Payback organises two events in November to promote solar heat for industrial processes (SHIP) among solar technology suppliers and end customers in industry.
Solar Heat Forum in Mexico
On 15 November, national solar energy association ANES will hold a full-day solar heating and cooling event, where SHIP will be a key topic of discussion. The Foro de Calor Solar en Mexico conference will take place between 12 and 16 November during the National Solar Energy Week, organised by ANES once a year. The morning session will put the focus on SHIP. Findings from the Spanish Study Solar Industrial Heat: Mexico will be presented alongside successful case studies.
A Solar Payback survey showed Mexico in the top spot on the list of countries that had the most SHIP plants installed in 2017, followed by India and China. In all, 36 SHIP plants corresponding to 6,411 m2 came online last year. Mexican installers used either flat plate or parabolic trough collectors.
In the afternoon, representatives for different public and private organisations will present solar heat projects from the public and tourism sectors, such as those at hospitals and hotels, and highlight the main challenges of bringing solar process heat products to market. The free-of-charge event will be in Spanish. Pre-registration is available online when choosing Foro de Calor Solar en Mexico.
Energia Termossolar para a Indústria
On 6 November, Solar Payback will hold a 1.5-hour webinar to show solar heat technology for use in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The webinar offers an insight into solar thermal technologies to cover industrial heat demand. It addresses industrial off-takers, investors and finance companies, as well as regulators and other government agencies. The webinar will be organised in cooperation with the German solar thermal turnkey supplier Industrial Solar and with Brazilian national industry associations.
The webinar will be conducted in Portuguese and take place between 11 am and 12.30 am Brazilian time of Brasilia on Tuesday 6 November. Registration is available online.