A perfect opportunity for knowledge exchange on SHIP

At the four-day Train the Trainer Workshop at the beginning of November in Mexico experts from the Fraunhofer Institute of Solar Energy Systems shared their know-how with 42 professionals from the sector. Engineering consultants, energy managers, business developers and university scientists involved and interested in state-of-the-art, technical and financial aspects of solar thermal projects for industrial processes took the chance to deepen their knowledge.
Graphic: Solar Payback
The participants were particularly convinced by the solid expertise of the trainers Fanny Hübner, researcher on system modelling and simulation and techno-economic assessment of solar process heat, and Pedro Horta, senior expert on solar thermal technology and process heat. The great majority of the participants attested the event a high niveau and described their expectations as fulfilled. They emphasised the comprehensibility, clarity and technical content of the presentations. More time for the simulation of a solar thermal project from the pre-planning and implementation to the financial analysis was mentioned as desirable. As well as more time for the practical application of the SPB online Calculator, which is considered extremely helpful.
How would you evaluate the overall niveau of the training? How far have your expectations been met?
Graphics: Solar Payback
With Daniél García, CEO of Módulo Solar, and Angel Mejía, CEO of Inventive Power, the training workshop was able to win two representatives of the local industry. The participants took advantage of the opportunity to exchange experience with experts from Mexico’s major solar collector manufacturers. Responses from participants indicate that many of them are considering SHIP for future projects.
The organisers summed up a successful event with interesting questions and contributions from participants both during the workshop and afterwards via e-mail. The online format was a special challenge, especially with regard to the time frame, but it was well mastered. The workshop was free via zoom, workshop language was Spanish and English.
The SHIP training material for Mexico developed by Fraunhofer ISE is available for download in form of 12 English or Spanish speaking pdfs below:
- Solar Process Heat – the Mexican Context:
Modulo Solar_The Mexican Context _ Contexto Mexicano - Solar Industry in Mexico – a Success Story:
Inventive Power_Estamos cambiando la Industria Solar en México - Potential of Solar Process Heat:
ISE_SPB-TrainTrainer-Mexico_M1_Potential - Suitable Solar Technologies and Industrial Processes:
ISE_SPB-TrainTrainer-Mexico_M2_SuitableTechnologiesandProcesses - Main Components – Solar Collectors and Storage Systems:
ISE_SPB-TrainTrainer-Mexico_M3_Components - Energy Efficiency:
ISE_SPB-TrainTrainer-Mexico_M4_Energy_efficiency - Feasibility Procedures:
ISE_SPB-TrainTrainer-Mexico_M5_Feasibility_Procedures - Design Principles:
ISE_SPB-TrainTrainer-Mexico_M6a_Design_Principles - Design Principles II & System Simulation:
ISE_SPB-TrainTrainer-Mexico_M6b_System_Simulation - Business Models, Economic Assessment, SPB Online Calculator:
ISE_SPB-TrainTrainer-Mexico_M8_Economic_Assessment - Tendering and Commissioning: