Financing of innovative SHIP systems in India

Financial institutions and investors showed great interest in SHIP potential and technologies in India during the Renewable Energy Investment & Finance Forum (REIFF) in Mumbai at the beginning of November. Around 70 representatives from banks, administration and system integrators took part in the special focus session about Financing of Innovative Solar Heating for Industrial Processes in the afternoon of the 2nd of November.
The SHIP-financing session was organised by Solar Payback partners and involved Carl Bohny, Project Manager at the Germany company Suntrace, as the key speaker (see photo above). In his presentation he explained the different drives for SHIP investments. He spoke about business models and available financing tools and presented results of feasibility studies for SHIP plants (see the presentation for download below).
Bohny´s speech was followed by a panel discussion with two additional panellists: Sirsanath Banerjee, Assistant Vice President of Tata Cleantech Capital and Vibhash Garg, Director GRID- Renewable Energy, PricewaterhouseCoopers Private.
Panel discussion about solar heat potential in the industry
The discussion during and after the panel showed that there is still a knowledge gap about SHIP among representatives from financial institutions and banks. It was a success, to give their questions and issues a forum during the conference. “We successfully raised awareness among financial experts about the technical and financial benefits of SHIP,“ says Bernd Wollwerth-Carl, Solar Payback project coordinator at the German Renewable Academy (RENAC) which is a service provider for the Solar Payback project.
The discussion also showed that there is often a space competition on industrial sites with solar electricity installations and investors are reluctant to purchase solar thermal technologies because some Indian SHIP systems in the past did not perform as expected.
Dowload of the presentation:
Carl Bohny “Solar Heat for Industrial Processes – Finding Your Business Case”